
Thursday 6 January 2011

Monday 13 December 2010


     On the 8th of December, the whole music foundation went a women cloth shop -- Jigsaw to give a perform. Laysan, Michael,  and me all sang a song. Actually, Michael really surprised me, he can really sing that high and really not bad. I noticed that when Michael was singing a custom in the shop looked shocked.

     I really liked the part when everyone sit down and sang the christmas together. I don't know why but I felt like being in a warm big family. Although we just played as background music, but the sellers showed their biggest respect to us. Sometimes they would put aside their work and applause for performance.

    The funny part was that when the boys were carrying the piano. I know it's bad to make fun of that because the electrical keyboard is very heavy. But I just can't help laughing.

     The performance lasted for 3 hours. It quite long. I was exhausted when I got home. But I really enjoyed myself although I made some mistakes when I sang the song Warwick Avenue. And the by the way, I ate a lot of biscuits the shop provided.

House party 18/09/2010

It was the first performance I gave after arriving in UK.
Everthing went well, and it seemed that everyone had a good time that night.

 I sang a lullaby which was composed by Franz Schubert.

And Arion played piano accompaniment for me.
Thank you Arion.

Arion palyed Beethoven sonata op.13 mvt.2

Wow, Hyue looks like a rapper rather than a pianist!

I have to mention that the food the hotel offered was very very good. Especially the fried children.

In general, we had a very good time. And it really help to build friendship.
But I think sometimes the audience were too loud and busy with food,  not really paid attention what we were performing.

And I don't think it was good thing that let the pianists to play on electrical keyboard.

But I am sure the next concert will be awesome!


Sunday 12 December 2010

Gig: Have You Heard 18/11/2010

     I went to a Jazz gig with Miss Kyna, Laysan and Hyuk on 18th of November. I have a conflicting feeling to Jazz. I love Jazz but at the same time I am afraid of playing it. Especially when it comes to the part of improvisation and irregular rhythm. But when I saw Mr.Bruce and his friends playing Jazz on stage was very cool.
     I really liked the atmosphere: relax and comfortable. After a whole day working or studying, it was the best place to release yourself. And it wasn't like other formal concerts, you can whisper with your friends  about the music with the wine on the hand. I guessed most of the audiences were the friends of performers. So during the interval, they came down from the stage and talked to the audience. It was more like a family or friends party. I  liked it.

     Every time when the performers finished a piece, one of the guitarist would say something funny and introduce to the following piece. I think "the humor" is quite important. It will keep the audience feeling interested and relaxed. It was really good gig. However, sometimes I felt the drum kit was too loud. In general, I had a good time.


Saturday 11 December 2010

Musical: l "Les Miserable" 05/11/2010

     I went to Queen's Theatre to watch the musical Les Miserable with my aunt. It was the first that I watched a "live" musical. Les Miserable was based on Victor Hugo's 1862 novel of the same name. It is the world's longest-running musical, now in its twenty-sixth year.
      What can I say? It was perfect and world-classed. Every single actor was awesome. I wish I can be like them one day. I don't think the stage was very big. But the stage effect was really nice and I don't know how they could put such a big boat on stage in a short time and removed it quickly.
     The "inspector Javert" impressed me a lot. The actor who played the role was a bass baritone. I liked him most not only because of his charming and powerful voice but also his clear pronunciation. I know it's silly but I used to think that the thicker the voice is, the less clear your pronunciation will be. And I always used it as an excuse and didn't try my best to improve my pronunciation. But now I know it was wrong. Maybe it's harder for thick voice to have clear pronunciation but it doesn't mean impossible. And you can see how great it is to have a powerful voice and clear pronunciation at the same time.
     I also noticed that Les miserable focused on singing rather than making balance between dancing and singing like the musical Cats. And I wonder why it has this difference.
     Overall, I really had a good time. And the next musical I am looking forward to watching is Mamma Mia. I guess I kind of get addicted to musical now.


Concert: Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio 24/10/2010

     I went a concert played by Tchaikovsky Symphony Orchestra of Moscow Radio with Sanly, Brian, David and Hyuk. To be honest, it was the first time that I listened to a orchestra carefully and got overwhelmed by the amazing music.
     There were three pieces got performed. The first one was Symphonic Poem: The Wild Hunt of Thor was composed by Norwegian composer Ole Olsen (Ole Olsen 1850 - 1927) of Classical period. Symphonic poem or tone poem is a piece of orchestral in a single continuous section in which the content of a poem or story. Actually, I am wondering about the difference between symphonic poem and programmatic music. Personally, I don't really like this piece. But the orchestra did a very good job.
      My favourite is Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 47. It was composed by Jean Sibelius who was a Finnish Composer of Later Romantic period. The reason why this piece impressed me most was the violin soloist. The 24 years old Russian girl was amazing. However, I thought when she played violin her movement was too big. She was awesome, especially her control of dynamic and her emotion to the piece. By the way, in the interval Sanly and Brian got a chance to take picture with her which made me jealous. Just kidding.

A middle-aged man with grey hair and a beard, wearing a dark suit and staring intently at the viewer.     The last one was another great piece: Symphony No.4 in F minor, Op36 composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. This symphony has four movement and my favourite one is the third movement which strings play pizzicato throughout movement. Using pizzicato instead of other percussion instruments makes the symphony more interesting and colorful.

     In general, I really enjoyed this concert although we didn't have good seats --the first row and not in the central. The moment I liked most was after the concert we can talked about the concert together, exchanged thoughts which was very useful.

    (P.I Tchaikovsky)


Monday 6 December 2010

Sky lab concert 22/10/2010

The sky lab concert began at 6.30pm.The theme was about Halloween.
So we tried our best to look scary.

Laysan wore a pair of crazy blue lashes which,
I thought, was too heavy that she could hardly open her eyes. However it was cool.

David looked like the great painter--Van Gogh when he put the band around his head.
Brian and Arion were  like two miserable brothers-- one got a terrible skin disease and the other got punched on the face.

Sanly also wore an amazing make-up, just likes a charming witch.
Cindy looked very pretty in red jumper and really like a shepherd.

And Micheal, I really don't know what happened to him.
He wore my tights and high heels and Cindy's dress home! It seemed like he really enjoyed being a woman. He called himself Michele when he was in dress.
Actually Michele was quite pretty.

I have to admitted that Hyuk was so cute when Miss Kyna made him an apple head.

I tried to be scary but ended up like wearing a mask.

At first, I was quite concerned about the number of audience. Maybe just three or four people shown up.
However, thanks to our womanizer---Arion, our sky lab ended up with full of people. Some even needed to stand up during the concert.

Just before the concert, for some reason, David's violin was totally out of tune which never happened when we rehearsed. But we fixed it in a short time. At least, we learned a lesson, everything can happen in the concert and we need to calm down and deal with it.

I sang the song "cry me a river" with the accompany of Hyuk, David, and Micheal. Thank you guys.
I really enjoy the moment when we make music as a team. It's the coolest thing ever! 

Actually, at the beginning, I felt quite relax and  not nervous at all. But the moment I found myself shaking was when I saw our teacher show up one by one: Miss Vivian, Mr.Bruce and Mr.Bill. But I felt supportive at the same time as well .             

I think every one of us did a very good job in this performance.  And I can tell from the atmosphere, the audience also had a good time like we did.

I am looking forward the next coming concert.     
